Plan miasta La Tuda

La Tuda - Najnowsze wiadomości:

bLos Angeles/b - Style Council - Stage Raw: Monsters and Prodigies

Then there's a fourth-rate comedian named Rudy bTudy/b (Barry Schwam), who spouts endless, bad one-liners; a mysterious widow (Rosina Pinchot); and Armstrong's formidable, red-baiting assistant (understudy Christine Soldate). b..../b boy living in his family's isolated chateau in the Hungarian countryside, finds his life turned upside down when his distant cousin's wife, Mathilde (Ursula Brooks), a sultry vixen ten years his senior, arrives from the city for a bvacation/b. ...
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What Awaits You At The Wyndham Garden bHotel/b in Chelsea b.../b

Wyndham Garden bHotel/b in Chelsea just opened a few months ago and the good news is that the room rates are holding steady below $200 a night. However, the valiant efforts of the assistant GM might not be enough to overcome the attitude of the b.../b Rates start $189 per night so this is a good deal for Manhattan. And if you get a little 'btude/b from the staff, now you know to go directly to Carlton Yee for any complaints. Tags: bHotel/b Hype / Manhattan bHotels/b / Theater bHotels/bb.../b
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I Swear ... You Better Not Call Me Again Today b.../b

Mine are full of nothing but btude/b ... and one is/was full of vomit earlier ... I swear I need a bvacation/b!!! Kids in bed. Wine in hand!!! Oh what a funny prank, Katina. I won't go that far, because I'm the one who would be left to clean b.../b
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